When considering a car purchase, customers evaluate multiple criteria, including:

  1. Technical performance
  2. Aesthetics
  3. Safety features
  4. Cabin comfort
  5. Interior design

In recent years, cabin comfort and interior design features have become increasingly important factors in the decision-making process.


Well-designed storage spaces within the car’s interior, particularly on the dashboard, significantly enhance overall comfort and user experience while driving. These spaces are crucial for storing various essentials such as:

  • Cups
  • Mobile phones
  • Eyeglasses
  • Sunglasses

Selecting the right materials for these storage compartments is essential. For items like cell phone holders or cup holders, the ideal material should possess:

  1. Anti-slip properties
  2. Availability in a variety of colors
  3. Resistance to component migration to the surface
  4. Stability in the face of sunlight and heat

Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs) emerge as an ideal choice for manufacturing these components. TPEs offer the flexibility to customize properties such as:

  • Color
  • Softness
  • Slip resistance
  • Heat resistance
  • UV radiation resistance

Consequently, TPEs stand out as the preferred raw material for car interior decoration, meeting diverse needs in both functionality and aesthetics.